Church Jobs at a Glance

Many career paths provide an opportunity to serve God, but church jobs offer a direct way to apply and explore your faith in your work. Working in the church allows you to pursue your calling in ministry, religious education and other areas. Before applying for a career in the church, you’ll most likely need at…

Understanding Social Worker Licensure in Kentucky

By helping people cope with daily problems, social workers help fulfill the purpose of the profession as defined by the National Association of Social Work: “to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources and opportunities that allow them to meet basic needs.” Social workers need licensure to practice in mental health clinics,…

Understanding Distinction Bias in Decision Making

By comparing two products or life choices side-by-side, you may be undermining your ability to make the best decision. Psychological research points to how distinction bias can prevent you from accurately predicting how much happiness an item or life decision will provide. How does distinction bias work? And what does it look like? The following…

A Closer Look at Clinical Social Work Careers

Social workers help people cope with problems on a daily basis. These workers can work in a wide variety of settings, from mental health clinics to schools, hospitals, child welfare homes and more. Social work is defined by the National Association of Social Work as a way to “ensure that all people have equal access…

Your Purpose-Driven Career

Do you find yourself having the “Sunday Blues” on a regular basis? By mid-afternoon on Sunday, some people experience the crushing realization that Monday is looming and they are headed back to the weekday grind. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you choose a purpose-driven job that aligns with your personal mission, Monday…

Accounting Certifications at a Glance

Accountants enjoy a strong salary and job outlook. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for accountants and auditors is $68,150, and employment is expected to grow 10 percent by 2026. Both figures are higher than the average for all occupations ($37,040 and 7 percent). In an effort to develop…

An Introduction to Trade Show Marketing

Trade shows used to conjure images of folding chairs and endless booths of salespeople. But now, trade shows involve glitz and glamour as companies invest major resources to creatively showcase their industries’ products and services to attendees. Major trade shows around the globe may feature anything, like performances by famous musicians, innovative multimedia exhibits from…

How Psychology Addresses Research Bias

In psychological research, objectivity is the key to accuracy. Unfortunately, bias is unavoidable. Biases are the inclinations, tendencies or opinions of researchers that may skew the results of their work. Because all experiments are designed and carried out by humans, they all contain at least some potential for bias. Solving for this variable, therefore, is…

The State of Human Trafficking in Kentucky

Human trafficking is a billion-dollar shadow industry with a presence in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This crime is defined by the National Human Trafficking Hotline as one “involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, fraud or coercion.” Victims are not a…

Business Psychology: Golem Effect vs. Pygmalion Effect

“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations.” —Charles Kettering, American inventor Can managers’ expectations of their employees influence work outcomes? Absolutely. Dubbed the “Golem” and “Pygmalion” effects, these complementary psychological phenomena describe what happens when superiors communicate their feelings about their subordinates’ abilities to achieve. Familiarization with these effects is beneficial…