Your Purpose-Driven Career

Purpose-Driven Career

Do you find yourself having the “Sunday Blues” on a regular basis? By mid-afternoon on Sunday, some people experience the crushing realization that Monday is looming and they are headed back to the weekday grind.

It doesn’t have to be that way. If you choose a purpose-driven job that aligns with your personal mission, Monday mornings could be much easier.

Purpose-driven careers bring meaning to a person’s life and makes him or her feel good about earning a living. Use your faith as your compass to help you find your calling.

According to the Guardian, younger generations are not finding careers that are purpose-driven and they are working in jobs from which they feel disengaged. Older generations are making meaningful careers a priority.

  • 48 percent of baby boomers report that they prioritize purpose over pay and titles.
  • 38 percent of Generation X workers seek purpose-driven careers.
  • 30 percent of millennials report the importance of purpose-driven careers.
  • 71 percent of millennials report feeling disengaged at work.

But that doesn’t mean that young people avoid purpose-driven work – 74 percent of millennials report that they want a job where their work matters.

Earning a degree in theology allows students to explore their purpose, study the field and prepare for pastoral ministry and a career in church leadership. Some potential careers in the faith include:

Purpose-Driven Career: Youth Minister

Youth ministers may be employed by a church, school or non-profit organization. In addition to working with the youth in their community, youth ministers may travel to other communities or countries for mission trips. These trips are designed to teach youth of the congregation to help others in need and to spread the message of the church.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in addition to church doctrine, scriptural teachings and the history and culture of a denomination, a successful youth minister should be familiar with youth culture. “Keeping current with the trends and issues important to children and teens allows youth ministers to counsel youth in a language that they understand and respect. Leading by example, a youth minister should be devoted and self-disciplined. Youth ministry might also require skills in public speaking and communications.”

Purpose-Driven Career: Catechetical Leader

A catechetical leader is a lay minister in a Catholic parish. These men and women serve a variety of roles in the church, according to the National Conference of Catechetical Leaders, including:

  • providing evangelizing, enculturated catechesis
  • selecting processes and materials for lifelong faith formation for all age groups, including the elderly, adults, young adults, teens and children
  • using digital and web technology
  • resourcing parents at home to share and live their faith
  • forming small faith sharing communities
  • providing family retreats
  • providing faith formation opportunities that can be accessed 24/7/365

Bresia University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with Emphasis in Pastoral Studies program entirely online. This degree provides a background in theology and pastoral studies and is an avenue to entering the above careers and other leadership positions in the church. Find your purpose through your studies and your faith and prepare for your purpose-driven career.